The main tasks of the Coordination Meeting are:

Development of proposals and participation in the organization of activities for the implementation of decisions taken within the framework of the CSTO on issues related to the non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (hereinafter referred to as drugs);

Developing, within its competence, proposals to take joint practical measures to prevent threats to national, regional and international security associated with drug trafficking, and to improve the interaction of health authorities with the law enforcement agencies of the CSTO member states in this area;

Improving the legal framework for cooperation on strengthening mechanisms to counter non-medical drug use, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts;

Analysis of the development of the situation in the CSTO member states related to non-medical drug use and drug addiction, organization of exchange of experience and information, preparation of proposals for the formation and development of a strategy for joint activities in this area;

3.1.5. Assistance in organizing the applied interaction of the structural subdivisions of the state narcological services of the CSTO member states.